Bags are more than simple accessories; they are what brings us together. We at NA-KD, recognise the importance of bags and have put together a superb collection. In other words, we can provide you with bags in multicolor for any occasion. In addition to adding class to our clothing, bags must be functional for holding our make-up and other items such as keys and phones.
For your evening dress, NA-KD has a variety of compact yet stylish bags. On the other hand, we also offer an impressive range of multicolor mini bags with detachable and adjustable straps. Thanks to our wide range of colours, you'll always be able to find the bag you need.
Whatever occasion, we need a practical yet stylish bag. With this in mind, we have a variety of different size bags in various designs and colours for you to choose from. Indeed, our beautiful multicolor bags are great for carrying everything you need. What's more, they have compartments for storing things you may need immediately.