The brazilian is a staple in any woman's drawer. Brazilians in white will always be your go-to for a look that is both classic, stylish, and comfortable! At NA-KD we have all the styles you want. So browse through our selection now and find the style that speaks to you.
At NA-KD we have the most comfortable Brazilians for you to choose from. So if you are looking for that fashionable change, then look no further! These white brazilians will be the statement undergarments that give you both the look and the feel you want. Browse our selection and enhance your collection today.
Brazilians are perfect for when you need that little extra coverage. They'll sit perfectly under any skirt or trousers in your wardrobe, whatever the fit. Most of our brazilians come with extra feminine detailing too. And when you opt for white, you'll be feeling fresh and fabulous all day long.