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Five hands doing the peace sign in a circle, forming a star with their fingers
Meet our friends
We can’t change the fashion industry on our own.
But together with a few friends, it all becomes easier.
Active and proud members of:
Sustainable Apparel Coalition
The apparel, footwear and textile industry’s alliance for sustainable production. Their vision is of an apparel, footwear, and textiles industry that produces no unnecessary environmental harm and has a positive impact on the people and communities associated with its activities.
The International Accord
The health and safety of workers has been an area of particular focus within the fashion industry for several years. We've signed the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry, starting September 1, 2021. The International Accord is an independent, legally binding agreement between brands and trade unions which continues commitments to ensure a safe and healthy ready-made garment industry in Bangladesh and further seeks to establish worker safety programmes in other countries producing textiles and garments. Our purpose is to enable a working environment in which no worker needs to fear fires, building collapses, or other workplace accidents that could be prevented with reasonable health and safety measures.
A leading global business association for sustainable trade, amfori brings together over 2.400 retailers, importers, brands and associations across more than 40 countries and 42.000 engaged procuders worldwide, joined in the aim of improving the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) performance of their global value chains.
Worldly is a supply chain measurement and improvement system, built by 250+ industry thought leaders and stakeholders, which helps brands and retailers gather a better view of their value chain and find sustainability hotspots in their products, sourcing, and footprint, across carbon, water, chemistry, labour, and more. Worldly is the exclusive home of the Higg Index tools (Higg FEM, FSLM, PM, MSI, and BRM), facilitating data collection and insights needed for impact improvement, compliance, and disclosure. Across and beyond the apparel industry.
We’re proud to be teaming up with our industry peers by joining the Scandinavian Textile Initiative for Climate Action (STICA) since the beginning of 2021. We hope to better influence our supply chain partners to improve their environmental performance. STICA’s aim is to ensure the Swedish and Scandinavian textile industry does more than its share by becoming the first climate positive apparel and textiles industry in the world – well before 2050.
Since 2003, amfori BSCI (Business for Social Compliance Initiative) has enabled companies to trade with purpose by improving social performance in their supply chain. The foundation is a due diligence framework and a Code of Conduct with principles ranging from fair remuneration to no child labour, along with a step-by-step approach that enables companies to monitor, engage, get empowered and receive support to put sustainable trade at the heart of their business.
Sweden’s industry & employer organisation for textile and fashion companies.
Through TEKO we are joining the CO₂ Improve programme since 2021. CO₂ Improve helps fashion, sports and lifestyle companies to gain insight into their CO₂ footprint and supports in reducing CO₂ emissions of its logistics operations by innovating and cooperating. The ultimate goal is to improve the global fashion, sports and lifestyle industry when it comes to CO₂ emissions through logistics.
Science Based Targets initiative
NA-KD's climate reduction targets are approved by the Science Based Targets initiative to be in line with climate science and the 1.5 degree pathway.
The SME Climate Hub commitment
In 2021, NA-KD signed the SME Climate Hub commitment. Recognising that climate change poses a threat to the economy, nature and society-at-large, our company commits to take action immediately in order to:
  • Halve our greenhouse gas emissions before 2030
  • Achieve net zero emissions before 2050
  • Disclose our progress on a yearly basis. We're proud to be recognised by the United Nations Race to Zero campaign, and join governments, businesses, cities, regions, and universities around the world that share the same important mission.
PFAS Movement
NA-KD is a member of the PFAS Movement in the fight against “forever chemicals”. Although we at NA-KD can proudly say that we have successfully phased out PFAS from our products, we will not be fully satisfied until every single company worldwide can say the same. We hope and believe that the PFAS Movement will be an important driver in achieving this vision.
Fur Free Retailer
Works to end the use of fur in fashion.
Helps people understand how to reduce their climate impact by giving tips on how to treat clothes after buying them.
NA-KD is a proud customer of Der GrĂŒne Punkt - Duales System Deutschland GmbH in Germany, and our sales packaging for the German market participates in the dual system Der GrĂŒne Punkt.
We are a proud member of Better Cotton. Better Cotton mission is to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment. Better Cotton is sourced via a system of mass balance and is not physically traceable to end products. We are committed to sourcing 100% of our cotton as ‘more sustainable cotton’ by 2030. ‘More sustainable cotton’ includes Better Cotton, recycled cotton and organic cotton.
Other partners:
TÜV Rheinland
TÜV Rheinland is our preferred audit company for responsible supply chains according to the highest international standards and customer programs.
Stock photo of business people, happily doing business things
NA-KD is a proud partner to RĂ€ddningsmissionen (the Rescue Mission), a local non-profit organisation operating in Gothenburg, Sweden.
We are the lead partner to Agora, the part of the Rescue Mission’s organisation focused on supporting socially vulnerable women – including homeless women, refugees, victims of domestic violence, and women exposed to human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Meeting places, outreach work, sheltered housing and individually designed support are just a few elements of their work.
Read more here.
Stadsmissionen is a politically independent, idea-driven organization that conducts non-profit activities among the needy and runs other activities for care and care of the individual. Since collaboration is important to them, they work together with congregations and administrations in the public sector, as well as companies and individuals. An extensive volunteer activity enriches and raises the quality of our various activities.
Read more here.
The Know Your LemonsÂź Foundation was founded by Corrine Ellsworth-Beaumont (MFA, PhD), with the mission to improve early detection of breast cancer worldwide, through creative and empowering education. As of 2022, they reached 1.5 billion people online through their #knowyourlemons campaign and Know Your Lemons app, and helped women and people with breasts discover potential symptoms of breast cancer in time to save their life. Their educational materials are available in over 30 languages and are being used in over 99 countries.
The Girl Effect
The Girl Effect creates content that helps girls make choices and changes in their lives. Igniting their confidence to act differently at a time that can define their future. So every girl can choose to be in control of her body, her health, her learning and livelihood. Arming them with skills to negotiate, and redefining what they are told is possible.
Read more here.
The Rainbow Fund
The purpose of the Rainbow Fund is to work with financing in support of competent organisations and projects in countries where rainbow persons are discriminated, persecuted and killed. The Rainbow Fund also works on impact projects in collaboration with other organisations.
Read more here.
Gurls Talk
Gurls Talk is a community-led non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting the mental health and wellbeing of adolescent girls and young women. Following model and activist Adwoa Aboah’s personal experience with mental health, Gurls Talk was formed with the goal of creating safe spaces – both on and offline – where girls can access mental health resources, share their experiences and support each other so they never feel alone or unsupported. Gurls Talk seeks to provide accurate and accessible psychoeducation on a wide variety of topics relevant to girls and young women. Through podcast, live events, and an online community, Gurls Talk works to destigmatise mental health conversations while fostering a supportive community that gives all girls a voice.
Read more here.
Rules & guidelines that we work with:
The UN Sustainable Development Goals logo
The UN Sustainable Development Goals
We support the Sustainable Development Goals which are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges we face, including poverty, inequality, climate change, environmental degradation, peace and justice.
ILO – Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Our work throughout our supply chain is based on ILO’s declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. They focus on four areas:
  1. freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining
  2. the elimination of forced or compulsory labour
  3. the abolition of child labour
  4. the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
World map Another stock photo of business people doing even more business things
OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
Recommendations addressed by governments to multinational enterprises operating in or from adhering countries. They provide non-binding principles and standards for responsible business conduct, in the areas of disclosure, human rights, environment, corruption, consumer interests, science & technology, competition and taxation.
UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights
Principles that outline states responsibility to protect human rights, businesses responsibility to respect human rights, and the dual responsibility of making things right again in case of harm done to people. Approved by the UN Human Rights Council in 2011.
Interior of shirt factory
Woman with laptop
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